Impossible? No way!
We all have wishes, right? Different kinds of wishes: Some people want to start their own business, others want more downtime. Some people want to be happier, some people want more excitement, and others want to be left alone.
Maybe you want to make a living while traveling, or to be able to make conversation with strangers on the street without being overwhelmed by social anxiety. Or maybe you just want a better job. We can make this happen. I've long been a practical optimist. This means that rather than just assuming that things will 'work out', I ask instead: "What IS the solution?" "What is the most efficient and most enjoyable path to reach my goal?" I'm optimistic because I have reason to be: I've studied many problem-solving practices that let me feel confident in saying that, even if it seems impossible, you can probably get what you want, or something close enough to count. First, we'll have a free conversation to help us both get clear on what your biggest goals are. Then, over a series weekly or bi-weekly sessions, we'll work together first to plan your course of action and then to deal with the obstacles that come up along the way- making sure you stay on track and have fun while doing it. We'll only work on the goals that you're going to be most excited to achieve, because those are the goals I'm going to be most excited for you to achieve. I'm selfish like that. |
Sessions will be via Skype:
Work with me from anywhere on Earth.
Work with me from anywhere on Earth.
Approaches we will use:
Nonviolent Communication Although Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is principally touted as a conflict-resolution practice, over my years of study and training I've found it to be equally power in helping people gain insight into what they want, and why they want it.
Using this in our sessions will have the added side-benefit of helping you better understand your loved ones. Sounds good to me! |
Neurolinguistic Programming Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) has been described as everything from a sales tactic to a flirting style. Ultimately, it's simply the most powerful set of techniques I've found for helping people quickly lower their anxiety or raise their enthusiasm about certain topics. Once we use a technique together, you can have it in your toolkit for life!
Somatic Experiencing Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a really beautiful method of helping people access new levels of resourcefulness by getting more in touch with their own nervous system.
I will always use SE principles in my sessions, be the bodywork or Life Facilitating. However, If you're interested in the unique benefits that come from a series of SE sessions, let me know and we'll make that our focus. |
As a child I was filled with curiosity and questions about the world: Why do people do what they do, why do they feel what they feel, and how can I get superpowers?
I devoted myself to two things, the pursuit of happiness, and the answer to those questions. Since that time I've studied everything from Qi Gong and Massage Therapy to Neuroplasticity and Positive Psychology. I've done trainings in Somato-emotional Release, Somatic Experiencing, Neurolinguistic Programming, Nonviolent Communication and more. I've studied countless books on belief change, effective communication, out-of-the-box brainstorming techniques, personal growth, negotiation and creativity. For almost every book I read that I find value in, I create training programs for myself, formal or informal, alone or with colleagues, where I work to master the techniques and concepts that are most useful.
Somewhere along this journey, I developed an intuition about people and problem-solving that took my 'practical optimism' to a new level. I find now that when I sit down with someone and have a discussion about their goals and challenges in life, the end of the conversation often finds them filled with a new clarity on what they want, and an enthusiasm and drive as they consider all the many ways they've realized they can get there.
My only wish after those casual conversations is to continue working with them long enough to see those goals come to fruition. I want to be there to offer my experience and skills when they hit hurdles along the way, and to offer my hand to high-five when they ultimately succeed.
That's where you come in. What are your 'impossible' pipe dreams? Let's do it. I was made for this.
As a child I was filled with curiosity and questions about the world: Why do people do what they do, why do they feel what they feel, and how can I get superpowers?
I devoted myself to two things, the pursuit of happiness, and the answer to those questions. Since that time I've studied everything from Qi Gong and Massage Therapy to Neuroplasticity and Positive Psychology. I've done trainings in Somato-emotional Release, Somatic Experiencing, Neurolinguistic Programming, Nonviolent Communication and more. I've studied countless books on belief change, effective communication, out-of-the-box brainstorming techniques, personal growth, negotiation and creativity. For almost every book I read that I find value in, I create training programs for myself, formal or informal, alone or with colleagues, where I work to master the techniques and concepts that are most useful.
Somewhere along this journey, I developed an intuition about people and problem-solving that took my 'practical optimism' to a new level. I find now that when I sit down with someone and have a discussion about their goals and challenges in life, the end of the conversation often finds them filled with a new clarity on what they want, and an enthusiasm and drive as they consider all the many ways they've realized they can get there.
My only wish after those casual conversations is to continue working with them long enough to see those goals come to fruition. I want to be there to offer my experience and skills when they hit hurdles along the way, and to offer my hand to high-five when they ultimately succeed.
That's where you come in. What are your 'impossible' pipe dreams? Let's do it. I was made for this.
"Before I started talking to Aaron, I thought I had to push myself to extremes and make significant personal sacrifices to achieve what I wanted, and anything less was "making excuses." Now I understand it is not necessary (and not any fun) to suffer today in order to enjoy success tomorrow. In addition to shifting my perspective in a big way, our work together taught me useful techniques for situations that had previously been stressful and overwhelming for me, including understanding and resolving internal conflict and communicating about emotions with others.
My favorite part of Aaron's approach to personal growth and fulfillment is that it is so kind. Instead of seeking change through force and a "just do it" philosophy that has been so prevalent in American culture, working with Aaron shows how approaching problems with gentleness, creativity, and curiosity can solve almost anything."
My favorite part of Aaron's approach to personal growth and fulfillment is that it is so kind. Instead of seeking change through force and a "just do it" philosophy that has been so prevalent in American culture, working with Aaron shows how approaching problems with gentleness, creativity, and curiosity can solve almost anything."